A sustainable company

Sustainability represents a central element for the present and future market positioning strategy of the Selex Group, a major player in the Italian large retail sector. In its ninth sustainability report, the group presents its numerous initiatives focused on sustainability and social responsibility, such as the promotion of shorter supply chains and the support of social, sports and cultural initiatives. But above all, the company has paid great attention to environmental issues and the fight against food waste.

The Selex Group is committed to identifying targeted initiatives and projects concerning the environmental and social areas. For example, in 2018 the group launched an extensive renewal scheme regarding the packaging of its branded products, aiming to drastically reduce waste materials and optimize production processes in terms of CO2 emissions and water consumption. In addition, Selex has been able to limit the environmental footprint of the packaging of more than 3,000 items by reducing the thickness of packaging and replacing, where possible, virgin plastics with recycled material, converting packaging materials into recyclable materials and eliminating unnecessary packaging. The result obtained is equal to the reduction of about 1,500 tons of plastics used for the packaging of MdD (Selex’ private label).

Finally, in order to fight food waste, more than 1.6 million kg of products have been donated to entities that recover surplus food, including fresh products, by adhering to numerous initiatives and projects aimed to recover surplus food and/or near-expired food.

