A solid reference reality for single-dose packaging at national and international level, at 40 years of age Valmatic has embraced with conviction the issues of sustainability. Result? Personalized products, functional services and successful partnerships, respecting the environment. Also in the chemical field.
Valmatic has made versatility, innovation and creativity in creating customized solutions the key to its success: for 40 years it has been producing and selling single-dose containers and vials with capacities from 1 to 200 ml, offering a complete service that also includes customization of primary and secondary packaging.
Among the many solutions offered, we remember those studied in particular for the chemical, concentrates and aggressive products.
Also in this field, the company from San Prospero s/S (Modena) offers cutting-edge packaging: packaging that is easy to open and use, made with particular attention to the environment.
In fact, for the production of single-dose, Valmatic uses materials such as BPET/LDPE, more than 80% of which come from the recycling of mineral water bottles recovered on the European market and which, once used, can be easily disposed of in plastic for subsequent reuse.
The path undertaken by the manufacturer towards an ever greater sustainability of products and services does not stop here, however: an active subject of the “green revolution” that is going through the world of packaging, Valmatic is in fact focusing its energies on the development of single-dose solutions in paper: an ambitious goal but certainly within its reach, which will shape the near future.

Sharing green ideas and growing: the MONO line
True to the concept of responsible entrepreneurship, since 2000 “ÈCOSÌ - Innovative Hygiene Systems” has been producing detergents and disinfectants, designing effective and cutting-edge “cleaning systems” that respect people and the environment, focusing on research and innovation as a development engine. In this context, also the choice of a packaging must obviously express coherence with the declared sustainability criteria.
That’s why, from a common interest in functional and eco-friendly solutions, the partnership with Valmatic was born, which has identified and created a packaging that complies with the Minimum Environmental Criteria 2012 and Proposition 65 of California, obtaining a single-dose line dedicated to chemical products, classifiable among the “green purchases” by Public Administrations.
Inequivocal the appreciation of the managers of ÈCOSÌ for the quality of the product and service offered by Valmatic, questioned a few months after the launch of single-dose detergents for professional use.
«We are satisfied with the Mono Line, which is enjoying considerable success» they told us, then going into detail. «The packaging solution adopted has winning features in terms of functionality and environmental compatibility, as it allows significant savings in terms of space, water consumption and detergents. These are aspects that, in the final analysis, make our products functional to a better organization and management of the work of those engaged in professional cleaning».
Equally flattering is the judgement on the collaboration with Valmatic, «with which we shared a research path that led us to identify the most suitable configuration for packaging our products in practical vials. A solution that, if, on the one hand, facilitates the use by operators, on the other hand guarantees the maximum integrity of the formulation characteristics of our detergents».
The MONO line is a range of detergents for professional use produced by “È COSÌ”, composed of 7 single doses made by Valmatic, differentiated for use (multi-purpose, floors, degreaser, sanitizer, bathrooms) and perfume. The single doses are presented in practical packages of 30 vials of 40 g each, to be diluted in standard quantities of water (500 and 1000 ml bottles).