No more aluminum capsules?

CoffeeB is an important innovation since the invention of the capsule launched by the Swiss coffee brand Migros.

With the launch of the first capsule system without a capsule, Migros is attracting sustained attention worldwide. After the product launch in September, sales in Switzerland and France got off to a successful start. In just two months, CoffeeB was tasted more than 200,000 times throughout Switzerland.

Migros' ambition is for CoffeeB to achieve a large share of the capsule market in the medium term and become the global standard in the long term.

By eliminating the aluminum or plastic capsules, enormous amounts of waste can be avoided. Worldwide, the amount of waste caused by coffee capsules is around 100,000 tons per year. Even if some of it is recyclable, a large part of it still ends up in the garbage. With the fully compostable coffee ball, CoffeeB combines what has never been possible before: a full taste experience, convenience and zero waste.

The compressed coffee balls are encased in a tasteless, colourless, seaweed-based layer which gives it structure while protecting it from flavour loss, eliminating the need for traditional capsule casing. Furthermore, the coffee ball is fully compostable. As well as reducing aluminum and plastic waste, CoffeeB also uses less coffee per cup compared to a fully automatic machine, equating to a 40% reduction of footprint.