With Robatech's hotmelt-stitching system you can save up to 50% adhesive. In times of rising raw material prices, this particular setting makes it possible to maintain constant or reduce operating costs in the application of industrial adhesive.
Hot melt stitching or hot melt dotting is a special adhesive application method. Continuous (A) or intermittent (B) bead application is divided into smaller beads or dots. The advantage is that it can save up to 50% adhesive.

Saving up to 50% in adhesive application sounds attractive, but switching to hot-melt stitching will also incur costs. Expenses and returns vary depending on the set-up. It is possible to accurately calculate the adhesive savings achieved with hotmelt-stitching, taking into account that there are many factors that influence the savings, some of which may be: the type of adhesive, the production speed, the quality of the packaging material, the application system.
To understand whether hotmelt-stitching is cost-effective, one must compare the calculated savings potential with the investment costs. This always depends on the individual application; in any case, less adhesive is unquestionably used for the same quality of gluing.
Every step toward saving valuable resources and reducing costs is a significant step.