Ecomondo and Key Energy, the two leading exhibitions for the green economy and renewable energy sectors in the Euro-Mediterranean region organised by the Italian Exhibition Group, are returning to the Rimini Expo Centre as in-person events. These shows have been eagerly awaited by the entire international community and mark an important step forward in the process of reopening following the stoppages caused by the pandemic.
From 26 to 29 October 2021, the two exhibitions will explore highly topical themes centred around the Next Generation EU fund set up by the European Commission to help member states recover from the economic crisis caused by the pandemic. Italy in particular aims to adopt the circular economy model in all sectors of the green economy.

The scientific committees of Ecomondo and Key Energy, chaired respectively by Professor Fabio Fava from the University of Bologna and engineer Gianni Silvestrini, head of the RIDEF Master’s course at the Milan Polytechnic and director of Kyoto Club Italia, have focused on various complementary fields ranging from the circular bioeconomy to renewable energies and have received an excellent response from both the European Commission and private stakeholders.

2021 is a crucial year for Italy as the government prepares to distribute more than €220 billion originating from the Next Generation EU scheme and complementary funds over the next five years through the national budget. This includes €57.5 billion earmarked for the Green Revolution and ecological transition on top of the €22.64 billion allocated to existing projects.

The thematic areas of Ecomondo
The show will explore numerous topics, including integrated waste management valorisation and services, technologies and machinery for waste treatment, equipment and vehicles for waste collection and transport, machinery and equipment for handling and lifting, eco-design and new materials, as well as bio-economy, bio-energy, remediation of contaminated sites and redevelopment. Finally, the issue of water will be addressed at the Global Water Expo, the section devoted to all phases of the integrated water service and water cycle, from collection through to its return to the environment or efficient reuse in industry or for irrigation.
Thanks to the partnership with Utilitalia, Global Water Expo promotes networking activities between national and international utility companies and technology producers.