The Aware Group of the Politecnico di Milano Publishes Innovative Study on Plastic Packaging Sustainability

The Aware group (Assessment on WAste and REsources) from the Politecnico di Milano has recently released a study in the journal Waste Management & Research titled “How does plastic compare with alternative materials in the packaging sector? A systematic review of LCA studies.”

This study explores how plastic can be a valid and sometimes superior ecological choice compared to other available alternatives in the packaging sector.

The research reviewed 53 peer-reviewed studies published between 2019 and 2023, comparing the environmental impact of plastic packaging with that of other materials through life cycle assessments (LCAs). The results indicate that, contrary to common perception, plastic can be a more sustainable option.

One of the main advantages of plastic is its recyclability, which significantly improves its environmental profile. In recent years, the production of items made from recycled plastic has seen rapid growth. In 2021, over 8% of plastic produced globally was post-consumer recycled. In Europe, between 2010 and 2020, the amount of plastic packaging sent for recycling increased by 32%. Many packaging items can be made entirely or partially from recycled polymers, thus reducing their environmental impact.

Among the study’s findings, it is clear that plastic packaging is often preferable to glass. In 12 of the studies reviewed, plastic was found to be significantly superior to glass, while in two cases, the two materials performed comparably. Although glass is often praised for its reusability, studies indicate that more than 10 uses are needed for glass to surpass the environmental benefits of single-use plastic packaging. Additionally, a survey conducted in the UK revealed that consumers prefer recycling packaging waste over reusing it, further underscoring plastic’s validity as an ecological option that also provides greater safety and health protection.

When comparing plastic and paper, the results confirm that plastic proves to be the more ecological choice due to its lower consumption of both renewable and non-renewable materials.

In summary, the Aware group’s study from the Politecnico di Milano highlights that plastic packaging, particularly when recycled, represents a valid and often superior ecological solution compared to alternatives. Demonising plastic and its applications in packaging is therefore neither justified nor rationally or environmentally sound. Promoting the use and recycling of plastic can significantly contribute to environmental sustainability.