Permanent Materials Alliance welcomes European Parliament's ambition on recyclability

The Permanent Material Alliance, comprising the Association of European Producers of Steel for Packaging (APEAL), European Aluminium, the European Container Glass Federation (FEVE) and Metal Packaging Europe, welcomes the recyclability rules adopted by the European Parliament plenary today. The vote signals a commitment to greater ambition and is a significant step forward in advancing the circular economy and positioning the European Union as a global leader in sustainable practices.

The performance classes and their strong qualitative recyclability criteria will encourage innovation by rewarding packaging that is designed for recycling, but is also sufficiently and effectively collected, sorted and recycled on a large scale. They are a big step forward towards a true EU circular economy," said Alexis Van Maercke, Secretary General of APEAL.

"The definition of high quality recycling is a prerequisite for encouraging economic operators to improve recyclability," said Krassimira Kazashka, CEO of Metal Packaging Europe. "We support the introduction of the concept of 'high quality recycling'. However, the European Parliament missed the opportunity to have a more robust definition that incentivises materials that can withstand multiple recycling loops without changing their key material properties, stimulates design for recycling and further promotes effective and efficient recycling."

Maarten Labberton, Director Packaging Group of European Aluminium, commented:

"High quality recycling of packaging materials is highly dependent on the availability of efficient separate collection and sorting systems for packaging waste. A timely and ambitious approach that promotes separate collection of packaging waste in all EU Member States is a must and we fully support the 90% separate collection target endorsed by the European Parliament today".

Aluminium, glass and steel are already preventing waste today, as our materials are largely collected, sorted and recycled into new loops in high quality endless cycles," added Adeline Farrelly, Secretary General of FEVE. "We are pleased that the European Parliament has adopted packaging waste reduction targets to mitigate the risk of substitution of fully circular materials (permanent materials) by packaging materials that are difficult to recycle.

In conclusion, the Permanent Materials Coalition calls on the EU Council to strengthen the PPWR to ensure that it enhances the EU's circular economy, protects the environment and maximises the retention of resources within the economy.

The Alliance remains committed to collaborative efforts that promote sustainable practices and drive the transition to a circular and environmentally conscious future.

As leaders in recycling, with rates of 73%1, 80.1%2 and 85.5%3 for aluminium, glass and steel respectively, the permanent materials are united in supporting the goal of making all packaging on the EU market reusable or recyclable in an economically viable way by 2030. They also emphasise the need for a robust approach to secure and achieve this important goal.