Riccardo Cavanna confirmed as president of Ucima

Riccardo Cavanna has been confirmed as President of Ucima (the Italian Association of Automatic Packaging Machinery Manufacturers) for the period 2024-2026. This was the unanimous decision of the Annual General Meeting held on 5th June in Baggiovara, Modena, Italy.

Cavanna will thus be able to continue the intense work carried out over the last two years, completing a four-year presidency. Massimo Marchesini was confirmed as vice-president and Antonella Candiotto was elected vice-president.

I would like to thank all members for their confidence. It has been a very challenging two years," said the President immediately after his re-election. "Together with the Vice-Presidents, the Board of Directors and the staff of Ucima, we have strengthened and expanded our services, given new impetus to internationalisation with the launch of the We Make Packaging brand, focused on enhancing the value of Made in Italy technologies, and provided new tools related to the world of sustainability. Then, thanks to the network with our partner associations Acimac and Amaplast, we consolidated our role as interlocutor with the institutions, with targeted advocacy activities, which also led us to be received by the Minister for Enterprise and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso. In particular, we have made our voice heard at all stages of the long process of the new packaging regulation and on strategic issues such as those related to Industry 5.0. Many other activities are planned for the next two years, and we are already working for an association that is ever stronger and closer to its members. Finally, I would like to remind you of the many initiatives underway to celebrate UCIMA's 40th anniversary, which will culminate in a major event in October.
