
UCIMA – Unione Costruttori Italiani Macchine Automatiche per il Confezionamento e l’Imballaggio
UCIMA (Italian Packaging Machinery Manufacturers’ Association) is the national trade association that represents and supports the Italian packing and packaging machinery manufacturers. It has more than 100 member companies from all over the country, including the industry leaders.
The highest concentration of members lies in Emilia Romagna, Lombardy, Veneto and Piedmont regions.
UCIMA member companies cover the entire range of packaging machinery production, from the food, confectionery and tobacco industries through to pharmaceuticals, chemicals, petrochemicals, cosmetics and end-of-line technologies.
UCIMA is a member of the Italian Employers’ Federation Confindustria, making it an integral part of Italian industry’s representation system. It is also a member of the Italian Packaging Institute, COPAMA (World Confederation of Packaging Machine Associations) and EUROPAMA (European Confederation of Packaging Machine Associations).
It maintains links with a variety of institutions and plays a major role in fostering the growth of the sector as a whole. Being part of a national and international network helps the association pursue initiatives and develop strategies for the sector.
UCIMA offers support to its member companies by providing professional services and information, consulting and assistance on all the major issues concerning the sector.

FICO Eataly World Bologna
Fondazione FICO was created to promote food education and the knowledge of food, informed consumption and sustainable production, showcasing the most important enterprises of agri-food culture and sustainability in Italy. It is the scientific and popular soul of the Fabbrica Italiana Contadina, the great agri-food park of Bologna. It promotes the Mediterranean diet and its beneficial effects on health and enhances sustainable agricultural production and food consumption models from an economic, environmental, energy and social point of view; it collaborates with the Ministry of the Environment, with the CREA – Council for Research in Agriculture and with FAO through specific Memoranda of Understanding for the promotion of food and environmental education and informed consumption, for the dissemination of good sustainability practices and for the enhancement of the Italian agri-food sector.
Chaired by the agro-economist Andrea Segré, Fondazione FICO includes among its founding members CAAB – Bologna Agro-Food Centre, CoopFond, Local Health Authority of Bologna in addition to the Social Security funds that reflect professionalism closely related to the theme of health food: Enpam, Enpav, Enpab and the ENPAIA Foundation. Some of the most important national food research universities and institutions have joined Fondazione FICO: the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, the University of Trento, the Suor Orsola Benincasa University, the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo as well as the Future Food Institute and CONAF. Fondazione FICO in synergy with CAAB, with the Municipality, with the Chamber of Commerce of Bologna and with the Emilia Romagna Region promotes the Bologna Award, the International Award for agri-food sustainability. Significant impact in terms of information is linked to the Biodiversity Orchard, an area of 300 square meters planted at FICO with specimens that represent forgotten fruits and biodiverse plants.