Sulapac's reusable and compostable cups

Finnish catering company Restel has launched a pilot project to use reusable cups made from bio-based and recyclable Sulapac material in a number of restaurants, including two Burger Kings, as part of its contribution to the circular economy.

Developed for reusable tableware, Sulapac Solid is 100% bio-based and its production does not require the use of harmful chemicals.

Our solid material can be recycled efficiently and is suitable for industrial composting,

said Heidi Peltola, Product Manager at Sulapac.

After using the cup, which can be washed around 200 times, the customer returns it to the point of sale in the special tray and, at the end of the product's life, Sulapac takes care of the chemical recycling of the cups, which is particularly efficient in terms of both energy consumption and yield, as they are still suitable for food contact.

In other words, we turn Restel's used cups into new cups according to the principles of the circular economy,

concluded Peltola.
