Cartotecnica Rigon joins G.S.P.

Cartotecnica Rigon has joined the GSP Group, Green Sustainable Packaging, controlled by Alcedo.

A number of key partners, in particular Fiorenzo Rigon, Manuel Rigon and Piera Battocchio Rigon, decided to reinvest in the project by acquiring some shares in the GSP Group and continuing their operational roles, focusing on the management and commercial areas.

Fiorenzo Rigon, managing director of Cartotecnica Rigon said:

We identified Alcedo and GSP as the ideal partners to further accelerate the company's development, with the aim of seizing new opportunities for expansion, as has always been in our family's DNA. With today's markets and visions of future expansion, it was difficult to think of going it alone, so we decided by mutual agreement to join this large group as GSP.

Cartotecnica Rigon joins the GSP Group after two other companies in the sector, Scatolificio Gondola Triveneto and Firma Group, both based in Cazzago di Pianiga (Venice), with the aim of creating an advanced packaging pole.