In the run-up to the Jubilee, Corepla today presented Pope Francis with the RecoPet eco-compactor, which will be installed in one of the places most frequented by tourists and the faithful, preventing the spread of plastic waste in the environment and carrying out an important action to raise awareness among citizens and tourists about recycling.
Science allows us to broaden our horizons and feel more of the mystery that surrounds and inhabits us. Humility is the foundation of the Christian life. Humility comes from humus, from the earth. It is enough to look at a starry sky to rediscover the right measure,
said Pope Francis at the meeting with Corepla in the Vatican.

Nine years after Laudato Si, the encyclical with which Pope Francis launched an appeal to build a better world by encouraging a different approach to our common home, the Corepla Consortium has become the promoter of a debate on the relationship between progress, the environment and social responsibility, focusing also on the sustainability and future of plastic packaging, to reaffirm how the role of communication is fundamental in countering the false narratives surrounding this material.
Corepla's commitment to sustainability and innovation stems from the need to protect our common home. Young people are demanding change from us and are constantly expressing concern about issues related to the climate crisis and what they see as an uncertain future. However, we have a powerful tool against eco-fear: information,
declared President Giovanni Cassuti.
Man is a technical creature and has a great responsibility in the use of tools: it is important to preserve the values also expressed in the encyclical Laudato Sì and Fratelli tutti, and to rethink the concept of 'waste' in order to turn it into a resource and close the circle of the circular economy. Like other objects symbolic of technological progress and mass consumption, plastic, for which Giulio Natta received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, was first established as one of the most powerful symbols of "progress", only to become today an environmental "problem".
The management of plastics, if entrusted to innovation and new uses, can play a valuable role in the perspective of sustainable development, and Corepla is a leader in this effort, as demonstrated by the RecoPet project, an initiative created to promote bottle-to-bottle and raise awareness of how plastics can be a resource for all, if properly collected and recycled.