#RecycleEverything. The hashtag for the businesses who will be attending the panel discussion examining end-of-line materials

Turning waste into a resource based on the concept that all materials can be collected and reprocessed through totally unique recycling platforms.

This is the theory behind the panel discussion scheduled for the second day of Packaging Speaks Green. Speakers from TerraCycleHerambiente and Aliplast will be outlining projects and solutions to complete and close the circle of sustainability.

The discussion, focussing entirely on end-of-line materials, will draw to a close the section titled “The future of sustainable packaging starts now”. After an in-depth exploration of renewable materials, the leading companies in the #RecycleEverything  movement will take their turn. Embracing a philosophy that applies to everything, from special, hazardous, and non-hazardous waste to industrial solutions and global environmental services, as well as remediation  and safety assurance through engineering activities.  The watchword, therefore, is regeneration.