Legislation and society: the topic chosen by Packaging Speaks Green to open the first day

Aspects of legislation and worldwide cultural trends concerning the use of packaging was discussed in the early morning at Packaging Speaks Green.

Purchasing choices and habits, recycling, food packaging preferences, and all those facets of the evolution of consumption and its impact on packaging types and development will be covered in the keynote speech by Silvia Zucconi, Nomisma’s Market Intelligence Manager, opening the first half-day of  the forum.

Nicola De Carne, client business partner for retailer services  at Nielsen, will be following on from Ms Zucconi, while afterwards Paolo Spranzi, associate partner at McKinsey, will be focussing on the five trends due to change the packaging sector and improve performance over the next five or ten years.

Andrew Manly, communications director at AIPIA (Active & Intelligent Packaging Industry Association) will then provide a presentation of recent developments in smart packaging.

The contribution from Johannes Bergmair, secretary general of WPO (World Packaging Organization), will keep the spotlight trained on sustainability.

Packaging Speaks Green offers a broad view of global trends and institutions’ responses to the legislative approaches adopted by individual governments. Representatives from the European Union, Africa, and the United States,  as well as Sudhir Mishra (founder & managing partner of Trust Legal Advocates & Consultants) will also be speaking, as will Cui Lin (secretary general at CFPMA, China Food and Packaging Machinery Industry Association), Nerida Kelton (executive director at AIP, Australian Institute of Packaging) and Sanjay Kr. Chattopadhyay (director at IIP, Indian Institute of Packaging).